
Be careful of Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a disorder that occurs in adolescence, usually occurs between the ages of 14-18 years,
only a few people who suffer from this disorder at a younger age. According penelitia, 90-95% of these disorders experienced by young women, and many are found in the middle socioeconomic class and above.

Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa causes severe weight loss is intentional, amenorrhoea and the presence of the specific psychopathology symptoms are often not detected early, because people at first did not complain about a disturbance at her. Usually the patient is her menstrual cycle was also suspended.

At first people did not seem weak, just added more activities to avoid solid meal and because the activities are dense and less eating, so the weight will decrease the patient from day to day, often feel restless, so the concentration decreases, and emotionally unstable, then began to pull away from the neighborhood, looking pale, weak, difficulty sleeping, and so on.

At physical examination found that the skin becomes dry sufferers and seen the growth of lanugo on the cheek, neck, hands and feet. some hirmon like LH (Luitenezing Hormones), and FSH (Folical stimulating hormone) disorders.

Psychopathology in these patients is feel very scared for fat as if there is a view in itself that the fat that's disgusting and not liked by the people around.

Factors causing Anorexia nervosa is usually due to Depression such as family breakdown, the demands of parents who restrain themselves, and so forth.

Healing for the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa require longer periods of time can be done with a variety of family dukunga in patients in order not to feel alone, the family also have to be patient and painstaking inhealing process until the patient completely recovered.

However, if the patient is already severe, will be very difficult in the healing even up to death. For that beware And be quick in taking action when the adolescent has begun to be difficult to eat, and excessive activity or showing symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa other.

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