
Maintaining Breast Health

Breast cancer is one of the horrible disease for women. There are so many cases of breast cancer experienced by women in recent. According to Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France. In 1998 the breast cancer cause kematia 1.6 percent of women in the world.
According to the study, women who breastfeed may reduce breast cancer risk of about 10-15%, it was mentioned by one of the specialist breast cancer. He said fertilizer cancer is hormone estrogen in the body. When a woman in pregnancy and lactation would appear hormone progesterone. This hormone then rise and make protection, so that the hormone estrogen is no longer dominant for 27 months.
In addition to breastfeeding, women can maintain breast health. As according to new study that shows that women who consumed soy at a young age have a much lower risk of breast cancer at this time, than those who consume less soy. Breast health is closely related to the number of soy consumption, because a lot of substances contained by the soybean which provides protection to our bodies and breasts in particular against cancer.
Research in Asia conducted in Japan and China also shows that percentage of Asian women affected by breast cancer is also much smaller than the women in America and Europe in general. Research on the efficacy of soy against breast cancer is one bright spot that could explain this fact. Women who consume soy as a child once a week have a risk almost 60% less breast cancer than women who rarely consume soy. Your breast health will be maintained by adjusting your diet and add more food derived from soybea. 

Why does puberty affect a woman's body shape?

Women who grew up with would normally experience puberty in age between 9-16 years, The little girl who shape and behavior is sometimes equal to men in his childhood would be very different if had entered puberty at the age of adolescence. a very visible difference physically as the chest will begin to swell, as well as hip and other psychological changes changes will also be felt very different between childhood and adolescence.

But what influences those changes? In our bodies there is such thing as hormones, namely chemical substances produced by endocrine glands such as adrenal gland, pancreas, pituitary, parathyroid and ovarian telut in our bodies whose role is to transform and regulate the function of other organs and structures. And this is the hormone that starts working the moment we entered the stage of puberty, and begin to make changes to enable growth in ourselves physically. These hormones are very good at work, their work in accordance with their respective functions and has not been entered in accordance with the sex of individuals.

Hormone acting on the individual woman will give special signs which will make it a symbol as a woman. Changes such as enlargement of the chest and waist and it also makes women menstruate, this is because when we enter puberty. Then the hormones will begin to be responsible work according to their respective functions, hormones such as estrogen and progesterone hormone produced by the ovaries or ovaries, where they work together in maintaining this body fungs according to function. And the hormone estrogen is a very important role in enhancing the development of the genitals, stimulate the development of breast tissue, regulate the distribution pattern of fat in the body so as to form a curvy female body, kelentura keep the skin to stay elastic, and have heart-protective effects and prevents bone fragility. While the function of the hormone progesterone is regulate the course of the menstrual cycle, breast tissue development, prepare the uterus during pregnancy by keeping the uterine lining is ready to receive and provide shelter for a fertilized egg, Also a role in providing food for the embryo, and protect postmenopausal women against endometrial cancer.


Be careful of Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a disorder that occurs in adolescence, usually occurs between the ages of 14-18 years,
only a few people who suffer from this disorder at a younger age. According penelitia, 90-95% of these disorders experienced by young women, and many are found in the middle socioeconomic class and above.

Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa causes severe weight loss is intentional, amenorrhoea and the presence of the specific psychopathology symptoms are often not detected early, because people at first did not complain about a disturbance at her. Usually the patient is her menstrual cycle was also suspended.

At first people did not seem weak, just added more activities to avoid solid meal and because the activities are dense and less eating, so the weight will decrease the patient from day to day, often feel restless, so the concentration decreases, and emotionally unstable, then began to pull away from the neighborhood, looking pale, weak, difficulty sleeping, and so on.

At physical examination found that the skin becomes dry sufferers and seen the growth of lanugo on the cheek, neck, hands and feet. some hirmon like LH (Luitenezing Hormones), and FSH (Folical stimulating hormone) disorders.

Psychopathology in these patients is feel very scared for fat as if there is a view in itself that the fat that's disgusting and not liked by the people around.

Factors causing Anorexia nervosa is usually due to Depression such as family breakdown, the demands of parents who restrain themselves, and so forth.

Healing for the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa require longer periods of time can be done with a variety of family dukunga in patients in order not to feel alone, the family also have to be patient and painstaking inhealing process until the patient completely recovered.

However, if the patient is already severe, will be very difficult in the healing even up to death. For that beware And be quick in taking action when the adolescent has begun to be difficult to eat, and excessive activity or showing symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa other.


Menstruation determine the sex of the child

The beginning of menstruation can determine the sex of the child. If you are faster then the possibility of getting started menstruating girls will be even greater.

According to research at M & K Health Institute in Hyogo, Japan, women who had menarche (first menstruation) of their peers tend to childbearing women. In order to determine whether there is a relationship between early menarcheal age and sex ratio of offspring, the researchers asked more than 10,000 mothers about their age at the start of menstruation and sex of their baby.

"This time menarchea be a risk factor for breast and ovarian cancer, and is also associated with increased rates of abortion continues to increase," the researchers said in a press release the University. The study findings are published in the latest issue of the journal Human Reproduction.

The study found that 46 percent of children born to mothers who started menstruating at age 10 were boys. This figure increased to 50 percent when the woman began menstruating at 12, and 53 percent when women entered the menarche at age 14.

This study adds evidence to previous studies, which found a high sex hormone estradiol in women who started menstruating before age 12. "This can cause the fertilized egg cell fall," said Lead researcher quoted Misao Fukuda IOP. (MEL)

Stages in the life cycle of a woman

In this life man has something important to always be maintained. One of the few important things that we always need is health. so we have to take really good care to keep us healthy physically and spiritually. physical health needs need every day, the guard is not too difficult but it must be continuous and timely. In this first post I want to discuss some explanations about the health of women. Women of course different from the male, the female life cycle has several changes that occur at any stage in itself. Stages period for women is during infancy, childhood, puberty, klimakterium, menopause and senium.
There are several changes that occur in each stage:
1. Baby
Changes that occur in infancy are:
- Changes have been perfect internal genitalia
- Follicles on both ovaries have been complete
- At week pertaman and second, women are still carrying baby ekstrogen gained influence in the womb like a relatively thick vaginal epithelium and vaginal pH 5
- 1 / 3 baby girls endoserviksnya not stop at the ostium uteri eksternum but also cover a portion of the lower portion servisis (pseudoerosio kongenitalis).

2. Childhood
In childhood genital tools do not show significant growth until the beginning of puberty because of the childhood perangsanan by sex hormones is very small. The changes are very visible is the growth due to the influence of the pituitary body.

3. Puberty / teen
Puberty is a period of transition from childhood to become a woman. Puberty begins when the ovaries begin to function and ends when the ovaries are functioning regularly. At this time there is a change of physical organs quickly.
Female puberty occurs gradually
     a.  Early adolescence
           Early adolescence (10-12 years)
        - Feel more closely with peers
        - Feel free to
        - More attention to objec her body and began a fanciful
     b. Middle adolescence (13-15 years)
       - Want to find identity
       - There is a desire for a date or getting interested with the opposite sex
       - Incurred a deep feeling of love
       - The ability to think abstractly growing
       - Fantasy on matters relating to sexual
     c. Late adolescence (16-19 years)
       - Appears freedom of self-disclosure
       - In searching for more selective peers
       - Has the image of himself
       - Can create feelings of love
       - Have the ability to think abstractl

      changes that occur in young women

1. Physical Changes
- Hair
The growth of pubic hair at this place after the hips and breasts began berkambang. Underarm hair and the hair on the face began to appear after the coming period. The hair is first colored light turns into more lush, dark, coarse, curly.

- Hip

Hip became more memebesar and rounded. This is because membesranya hip bone and the fat under the skin.

- Breast
Along with the growing hip membaesar the breasts and nipples also come prominent. Here further enlargement of the mammary gland is larger and rounded breasts.

- Leather

The skin becomes more coarse, thicker and more enlarged pores. But her skin is softer than male skin.

- Fatty glands and sweat glands

Fat and sweat glands become more active. In this period of acne problems often arise because of the blockage of sweat glands and the smell stab at the time before and after menstruation.

- Muscles

Toward akkhir puberty, your muscles become bigger and stronger. Result will form the shoulders, arms and legs.

- Sound

Turned into a melodious voice.

2. Changes in psychiatric
3. Emotional changes
            Adolescents are more sensitive or more sensitive so prone to crying, anxiety, frustration, can laugh for no apparent reason. In addition, it is easy to react aggressively even against external stimuli that influence gangguanatau. At this time there is a tendency not obey their parents, prefer to go the same friends, are welcome to stay at home.
Developments intelrgensia

At this developmental adolescents tend to develop abstract thinking and want to find out new things that encourage behaviors like to try.

4. reproduction

This period is important for women and lasted approximately 33 years. During menstruation is the most organized and allow for pregnancy. But after 40 years of age or older will begin to decline in fertility or fertility.
5. Klimakterium

Klimakterium not a pathological condition but rather a normal transition period that lasted several years before and after menopause. Phase of gradual progress klimakterium namely:
Before menopause

At this time approximately klimakterium started 6 years before menopause. Here, the function of reproductive organs begin to fall, estrogen levels begin to drop and gonadotropin hormone levels begin to increase until the onset of the signs of menopause complaints.
During menopause

Occurs during menopause, the span of 1-2 years prior to 1 year after menopause. In this period women experience heightened complaints.
After menopause
This period runs from 6-7 years after menopause. At this time estrogen levels are at a low point in accordance with circumstances and be accompanied by senium began deteriorating condition of the body ..


- There was a decrease in estrogen and gonadotropin levels began to increase
- Reproductive organs began to function decline: the ovaries shrink, shrink uterine, vaginal epithelial thinning.
- The number of follicles into just a few thousand pieces only and is more resistant to gonadotropin rangsanngan
- At the age of 40 years over the menstrual cycle began is not accompanied by ovulation
- There is a change a woman's fertility decline begun in the early klimakterium
- Changes in bleeding in premenopausal
- Post-menopause occurs vegetative disorders, psychological, organist.

6. Menopause

Menopause is the cessation of menstrual periods in a natural or a period in which a woman's last menstrual bleeding and never get your period again. Menopause causes some physical changes that can affect a woman's sexual function. This is all a consequence of reduced levels of estrogen and progesterone. Changes that occur during this period are:

Changes in psychic
Psychological changes during menopause are very dependent on each individual. Enough knowledge to help a woman understand and prepare himself through this period better. Changes:

- Worry: a sense of feeling old, unattractive, fear of not being able to meet the husband's sexual needs
- Feeling depressed because of fear of getting old
- More sensitive and emotion (anger, anxiety, depression)
physical changes

Changes that occur include:
- The skin becomes saggy
- The skin becomes dry and wrinkled
Skin becomes sunburn easily
- Arising on skin pigmentation
- Breast began softening
- The vagina becomes dry
- Thinning the vaginal epithelium
- Dyspareunia
- Feelings of heat and sweating at night (hot fluse)
- Unable to hold urine
- Loss of support network
- Weight gain
- Eye disorders
- Bone pain and joint

7. Senium

At this time there has been a new hormonal balance. At this time the changes are setbacks organs and physical abilities as a process of growing old. In this period tends to occur osteoporosis caused by the influence of steroid hormones and osteotrofoblas reduced.